Rotary Youth Exchange is a Rotary International student exchange programme for students in secondary school. Since 1927, Rotary International has sent young people around the globe to experience new cultures. Currently, about 9,000 students from more than 82 countries are sponsored by Rotary clubs every year.

The first documented exchange dates back to 1927, when the Rotary Club of Nice, France, initiated exchanges with European students. Exchanges between clubs in California, USA, and Latin American countries began in 1939, and exchange activities spread to the eastern United States in 1958. In 1972, the Rotary International Board of Directors agreed to recommend Youth Exchange to clubs worldwide as a worthwhile international activity promoting global peace and understanding.

The most powerful force in the promotion of international understanding and peace is exposure to different cultures. The world becomes a smaller, friendlier place when we learn that all people — regardless of nationality — desire the same basic things: a safe, comfortable environment that allows for a rich and satisfying life for our children and ourselves. Rotary Youth Exchange provides thousands of young people with the opportunity to meet people from other lands and to experience their cultures. This plants the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding.

Rotary District 9400 is an area covered by the South African provinces of Gauteng, parts of North West, Limpopo and Mpumalanga, as well as Botswana, eSwatini and southern Mozambique.

Meet the committee

The committee is run by a group of dedicated and passionate volunteers who have many years of experience in placing students into the right homes and families.

Terry Cannon
(W) (+27) 84 476 2012
(C) (+27) 84 476 2012

District Treasurer
Kevin Wolhuter

Gail Wilson
(W) (+27) 11-421-6202
(C) (+27) 82-564-7244

PRO, Social Media
Celeste Pereira
(W) (+27) 83 651 7757
(C) (+27) 83 651 7757

Host Family Admin
Zander Lintvelt
(W) (+27) 67 054 7146
(C) (+27) 67 054 7146

System Admin
Michelle Von Benecke
(W) (+27) 84 624 1634
(C) (+27) 84 624 1634

Compliance & Youth Protection
Mike Fraser
(W) (+27) 60 600 6006
(C) (+27) 83 417 8910

ROTEX (Past Exchange Students)
Ryan Cox
(W) (+27) 71 674 1546
(C) (+27) 71 674 1546

Meet the Country Coordinators

These volunteers are responsible for arranging and coordinating exchanges with their respective countries

Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Czech Republic
Gerhard Stocker
(W) (+27) 11-824-2271
(C) (+27) 82-499-8818

Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Italy
Mike Fraser
(W) (+27) 16-982-3140
(C) (+27) 83-417-8910

Belgium, France, Spain
Celeste Pereira
(W) (+27) 83 651 7757
(C) (+27) 83 651 7757

Finland, Germany, Poland, Taiwan, Thailand
Terry Cannon
(W) (+27) 84 476 2012
(C) (+27) 84 476 2012

Norway, Sweden, USA (Alaska)
Jenny Cannon
(W) (+27) 82-815-1937
(C) (+27) 82-815-1937

Meet the Area Coordinators

If you live in these areas, you can contact the relevant volunteers

Mpumalanga Area
Judy Pott
(C) (+27) 82-576-2791

Gaborone Area
Douglas Craig
(C) (+267)-7152-2641

Francistown Area
Bettina Ellithorne
(C) (+267) 7165 6450

Contact Us